Prospective Bangladeshi Students in Canadian Universities - PBSCU
Please read "About Us" and "Rules and Regulations" of PBSCU and CAAB groups. If you do not agree to any of the statements mentioned below, we request you to please do not join or leave the group if you already joined. If you join the group or do not leave, it is assumed that you "agree" to all the statements/rules mentioned below.
PBSCU is a non-profit and non-political online-based peer-to-peer discussions platform dedicated to prospective Bangladeshi students who want to study in different Canadian Institutions. The platform's main aim is to give suggestions without any monetary compensation or referral to paid services about higher study in Canada. These suggestions are provided by admin/moderators, current students, and alumni of different Canadian Universities and Colleges of Bangladeshi origin.
Admins of PBSCU/CAAB look after the platform. There are no permanent admins. When one admin leaves, we replace them with new admins. PBSCU/CAAB admins, advisors, mentors, or anyone associated with PBSCU/CAAB may have their own opinions about issues. Their comments should be taken as "personal opinion", NOT that of the group.
PBSCU/CAAB admins/moderators can approve, delete any posts or comments and add/remove/block any members they see justified for managing the group without providing any explanation. We do not force any member to be part of PBSCU/CAAB. It's voluntary membership. However, if you are a member, you must follow the rules and regulations to be a member of PBSCU/CAAB and agree to the above statement.
This Facebook Group/website is a platform where members share their personal views. These posts/comments should be taken as "personal views", rather legal or official instructions. Group founder, admins/moderators, advisors, mentors, or anyone associated with the group are not responsible for any personal comment or post. Consult these websites for official rules and regulations, Education in Canada (https://www.educanada.ca) and Visa Application (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada.html). If you want to REPORT an immigration fraud, please use this website: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/protect-fraud/report-fraud.html
This group does not represent any coaching centre, marriage media, immigration/consulting agency (regulated or unregulated), or any profit-seeking organization of any kind in Bangladesh or in Canada.
PBSCU is ONLY useful for those prospective students who are seeking services that do not require any monetary compensation or referral to paid services. Therefore, we do not allow any post, or any comment in the group through which it may initiate/get referred to a paid immigration/visa/admission service, including regulated and unregulated ones [even if they are providing free advice]. However, we allow University or College officials to announce different study opportunities if they do not refer to any paid services.
Although PBSCU/CAAB members point out and share malpractice by some agencies, NOT all are fraudulent. If you are looking for paid professional service, look for a regulated immigration consultant certified by the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) (https://iccrc-crcic.ca) who are regulated by Canadian laws. However, we do not comment on the authenticity or service quality of any consultants as we do not deal with paid services. Here is the official link on how to choose an immigration representative and tips to protect yourself from fraud, consult this website: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigration-citizenship-representative/choose.html
Finally, we are NOT immigration consultants. We do NOT ask for money for any service. We do NOT discuss immigration issues unless they are related to students (e.g., post-degree immigration opportunities). All types of money transactions and advertisements are PROHIBITED. If someone is asking for money from you through our group/page, immediately report them. They will be immediately BLOCKED. You should also block them. E-Mail us to report: pbscuadm@gmail.com
Please follow these instructions before posting a question to the group:
1. After joining the group, PLEASE carefully read the featured posts [announcements] and all the major documents that are mentioned in the featured posts.
All our documents are available in this website:
[1] http://www.pbscu.ca/resources.html
[2] http://www.pbscu.ca/caab.html
Please use group's "search" option and document list before posting your questions to the group.
Search POPULAR TOPICS IN POSTS section on the right-hand side.
Search keywords like "MBA", "Funding", "Skype Interview", "Visa Rejection", "University Name Review" etc., and read those posts and comments under them. TRY to find out the basic answers to your questions.
Read and scan all the posts in the last 7 days and see if your questions have already been answered. We do NOT approve repetitive questions that have been posted in the last 7 days.
Read the posts that have multiple replies. CHECK how they structure the question. Prepare your questions like that.
2. PBSCU/CAAB admins/moderators can approve, delete any posts or comments and add/remove/block any members as they see justified for managing the group without providing any explanation. We do not force any member to be part of PBSCU/CAAB. It's voluntary membership. However, if you are a member, you must follow the rules and regulations to be a member of PBSCU/CAAB and agree to the above statement.
3. Our Admin ID is for posting Notices (#AdminNotices) only. Admin ID does not reply to messages. Please do NOT tag any admins to any posts. We do not communicate with any members unless it is absolutely necessary. If someone is communicating with you pretending to be from our group, please BLOCK and IGNORE.
Do NOT send a friend request to anyone you think is in Canada. Many people like to get friends or followers, but many do not. So carefully choose with who you want to interact personally.
4. We approve all posts from the members unless they break any of the rules mentioned here or a repetitive post or a post that is poorly written. We determine this based on our best judgment. If we made a mistake in our decision, please send an e-mail with your post and explain why it should be posted to: pbscuadm@gmail.com. However, please NOTE we may NOT give any explanation why a post is not approved. But if we make a mistake, we will reply to you on how to re-post. If your post still does not get approved, and if you do not find the group useful, please seek help elsewhere.
আপনার পোস্ট আপ্প্রুভ না হলে, রুলস গাইডলাইনটি ভালো করে পড়ুন। পোস্ট ডিক্লাইন করলে আমরা একটা রুল হাইলাইট করে দেই অথবা নোটস সেকসান এ কি করতে হবে বলে দেই, পড়ে দেখেবেন। তার পরেও বুঝতে না পারলে পোস্টা আমাদের ই-মেইল (pbscuadm@gmail.com) করুন। আমরা গাইডলাইন এর বাইরে পোস্ট আপ্রুভ করি না।
5. We have added a new feature of posting anonymouslyin the group. If you want to post and comment anonymously, use this option to post. Your name will be visible ONLY to our admins and moderators. Please check these below:
Make sure your ID is not restricted, fake, or locked when you post. You can temporarily unlock your profile so that an admin can visit your profile and find it authentic. An admin will post your questions. Keep an eye on the group for keywords #SOS or #Anonymous Post. We change admins all the time, therefore, do not focus on any specific admin; focus on the hashtag #.
If your post is still not approved for some reason, you need to then send the post with your details to pbscu email address.
6. We do NOT allow any post or comment in the group through which it may initiate/get referred to a paid immigration/visa service directly or indirectly, including regulated and unregulated ones, even if they provide free services. However, we allow University or College officials to announce different study opportunities if they do not refer to paid services. We also do not let members "name and badmouth" any specific agency or consultant as the criteria of membership of this group is that you are interested in applying by yourself. Only those who are seeking FREE peer-to-peer help are welcome in PBSCU.
7. We do NOT approve posts asking which agencies or consultants are better or posts from agents or consultants even if they provide free information. This is a FREE peer-to-peer discussions group without being referred to any paid service directly or indirectly. We do not recommend or endorse any agencies or higher study-related organizations due to conflicts of interest. We only approve posts if an official from a Canadian Institution posts directly in the group.
8. Although PBSCU/CAAB members point out and share malpractice by some agencies, NOT all are fraudulent. If you are looking for paid professional service, look for a regulated immigration consultant certified by the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) (https://iccrc-crcic.ca) who are regulated by Canadian laws. However, we do not comment on the authenticity or service quality of any consultants as we do not deal with paid services. Here is the official link on how to choose an immigration representative and tips on how to avoid fraudulent representatives, consult this website: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigration-citizenship-representative/choose.html If you want to report immigration fraud, please use this website: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/protect-fraud/report-fraud.html
9. We do NOT approve any personal promotion post, e.g., from FB Stars, YouTube Video (YouTube Star), Course Videos (IELTS/TOEFL/GRE), Book Links, Blog Posts unless they explicitly talk about PBSCU or part of core PBSCU contributors. However, if a video gets shared in the group, we make sure that the poster is not recruiting students via the video for various paid services. If they are providing Course Videos (IELTS/TOEFL/GRE) without any commitment to pay the content creators, we may approve these posts.
10. Post directly to the group. Do NOT share your posts from your FB page or any other page. We do not approve any posts against anyone, any group or any organization.
11. We try to avoid any posts leading to personal communication, e.g., "is there anyone"...type of questions. Never communicate or believe anyone who wants to help you personally through inbox. PBCSU does NOT send personal messages and asks for money. Do NOT respond to anyone if they connect you via private messages through the group. We discuss everything openly. If you are interested in taking help personally, please avoid the group. We will not take responsibility for any personal communications.
12. Take the comments as personal views. Do not get easily angry if comments are not supporting you. The final decision is YOURS. If you are a prospective student, we believe that you are mature enough to take an "informed" decision, reading through all the comments and consulting all official websites. You may not find this group useful if you just want to hear “Yes” to every question. We do not interfere with personal comments unless members REPORT them, break group rules, or create unnecessary debates. Take as much as help you can, use your brain to make the final decision. Consult these websites for official rules and regulations, Education in Canada (https://www.educanada.ca) and Visa Application (https://www.canada.ca/…/study-canada/study-permit/apply.html). We tell it as it is. We are known for our honesty. Every penny you save can be used towards your tuition and living costs in Canada.
13. We can't monitor every post and comment as there are more than 100 posts every day. Please REPORT posts or comments if they offend you. PBSCU does NOT take responsibility if there are any fights or personal disagreements among members inside and outside the group. However, we delete a post/comment as soon as possible if it's REPORTED by members to be a violation of group rules. We do NOT approve of any controversial political or religious materials in the group.
14. PBSCU does NOT approve or answer any questions related to using “Study Permit” as a means of immigration. VO tends to reject such students as "not a Bona Fide student". If you are interested in immigration, please get help from other FB groups, websites, or regulated immigration consultants.
15. Please try NOT to add any background to your post. It takes up group space and makes other posts less visible. Use simple texts.
Although we do not enforce the "F" or "Ha Ha" react rule, if you repeatedly write "F" or react "Ha Ha" in every post, you MAY be subject to random removal or muting from the group. If you want to follow a post, check out this video on how to do this:
16. We do NOT approve illegal questions, e.g., how to fake money, bank statements, offer letters, hide information, cash jobs, etc. Posting such questions will lead to direct banning and may catch the attention of visa officers.
17. If you want to post any charity events or events related to humanitarian ground or research surveys, please e-mail pbscuadm@gmail.com. We will check the authenticity of the organization or the person.
18. While posting a Visa Approval post, please make sure you add where you are going and which program. Give full details of your profile and visa timeline. Please mention what help that you took from the group and any specific document file that you found useful. Please NOTE, we do NOT approve visa approval posts from students who did not use the group at all for admission and visa processing (which is FREE). If you are posting a Rejection Post, you must add all the rejection causes, the institution and program that you applied, your full profile including CGPA, study gaps, IELTS score, the money showed, tax paid or not, sponsor details and visa timeline. Also, please include whether you applied by yourself or not in the post. You must also mention whether you would like to apply by yourself for the next one.
19. Due to obvious reasons, we do NOT approve “visa chance” related posts, e.g., “I am applying for this, what is the visa chance?” Because NO ONE can tell your visa chances. However, we encourage everyone to read this document (link attached) which clearly explains why a visa can be denied and what to do to prevent that.
Rejected? Why and How to Overcome them?
20. As this is a peer-to-peer discussions group, any personal information that you post in the group may be used by others (means there is NO privacy protection). We encourage you to avoid adding any personally identifiable information (which can be misused) to the group.
21. We regularly update rules and regulations. It is up to the PBSCU/CAAB admins and moderators to implement any new rules, and their decision gets implemented immediately.
Canadian Alumni Association of Bangladesh - CAAB
Canadian Alumni Association of Bangladesh (CAAB) is a non-profit and non-political online-based peer-to-peer discussions platform that harbours current students and alumni from different Canadian Educational Institutions and Professionals of Bangladeshi origin. This is a sister concern of the main group #pbscu. The group's primary purpose is to connect Canadian students and alumni/professionals of Bangladeshi origin and offer 100% free peer-to-peer help.
Admins of PBSCU/CAAB look after the platform. There are no permanent admins. When one admin leaves, we replace them with new admins. PBSCU/CAAB admins, advisors, mentors, or anyone associated with PBSCU/CAAB may have their own opinions about issues. Their comments should be taken as "personal opinion", NOT that of the group.
PBSCU/CAAB admins/moderators can approve, delete any posts or comments and add/remove/block any members they see justified for managing the group without providing any explanation. We do not force any member to be part of PBSCU/CAAB. It's voluntary membership. However, if you are a member, you must follow the rules and regulations to be a member of PBSCU/CAAB and agree to the above statement.
This Facebook Group is a platform where members share their personal views. These posts/comments must be taken as "personal views", rather than official or legal instructions. Group founder, admins, advisors, or anyone associated with the group are not responsible for any personal comment or post. Consult these websites for official rules and regulations, Education in Canada (https://www.educanada.ca) and Visa Application (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada.html).
This group does not represent any coaching centre, marriage media, immigration/consulting agency (regulated or unregulated), or any profit-seeking organization of any kind in Bangladesh or in Canada.
CAAB is ONLY useful for members who are seeking services that do not require any monetary compensation or referral to paid services. Although PBSCU/CAAB members point out malpractice by some agencies, but NOT all are fraudulent. If you are looking for paid professional service, look for a regulated immigration consultant certified by the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) (https://iccrc-crcic.ca) who are regulated by Canadian laws. However, we do not comment on the authenticity or service quality of any consultants as we do not deal with paid services. Here is the official link on how to choose an immigration representative and tips on avoiding fraud by representatives, consult this website: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigration-citizenship-representative/choose.html
We are NOT immigration consultants. We do NOT ask for money for any service. We do NOT discuss immigration issues, unless they are related to students (e.g., post-degree immigration opportunities). All types of money transactions and advertisements are PROHIBITED. If someone is asking money from you through our group/page, immediately report them. They will be immediately BLOCKED. You should also block them. E-Mail us to report: pbscuadm@gmail.com
Target Members:
(a) Alumni from different Canadian Institutions from Bangladesh.
(a) Current students and post-docs in different Canadian Institutions from Bangladeshi origin (citizen/PR or on study permit).
(c) Alumni/Professionals from Canada (Bangladeshi-origin), who are currently working in Canada or abroad.
(d) Political leaders or officials who are relevant to International students in Canada.
Aims & Objectives:
(a) Helping current students with valuable information on how to settle in Canada.
(b) Helping current students with valuable study tips.
(c) Job posting/Interview tips/networking with alumni and professionals.
(d) Posting news and views regarding life in Canada related to our members.
Please follow these instructions before posting a question to the group:
1. PBSCU/CAAB admins/moderators can approve, delete any posts or comments and add/remove/block any members as they see justified for managing the group without providing any explanation. We do not force any member to be part of PBSCU/CAAB. It's voluntary membership. However, if you are a member, you must follow the rules and regulations to be a member of PBSCU/CAAB and agree to the above statement.
2. Please do NOT post or announce any Community Events in the group that is not directly related to the student and alumni life in Canada. Several other online/business groups are available for these types of postings. Please use them. However, all news and events related to Bangladeshi Students Associations (BSAs) are welcome.
3. NO posts seeking illegal advice will be allowed. Members of the group are requested not to give any illegal advice as a comment or as a post, including hundi/reverse hundi, faking documents for immigration or cash jobs.
4. We do NOT approve any personal promotion post, e.g., from FB Stars, YouTube Video (YouTube Star), Course Videos (IELTS/TOEFL/GRE), Book Links, Blog Posts unless they explicitly talk about PBSCU or part of core PBSCU contributors. However, if a video gets shared in the group, we make sure that the poster is not recruiting students via the video for various paid services. If they are providing Course Videos (IELTS/TOEFL/GRE) without any commitment to pay the content creators, we may approve these posts.
5. While helping members, please do NOT refer/tag anyone who asks money for the service. Members post in this platform so that they can get free help, not redirected to someone who takes money for the same help. If you need any professional help, please seek help elsewhere or consult this website: https://iccrc-crcic.ca.
6. Post directly to the group. Do NOT share your posts from your FB page. Do not use your business FB profile to post in the group. We do not approve any posts against anyone, any group or any organization.
7. Only housing advertisements for students will be allowed. All other advertisements, whatever they are, will NOT be approved.
8. For sharing news and views, please make sure they are related to the student and alumni life in Canada or in Bangladesh. However, no controversial political or religious materials will be allowed. If any post leads to irrelevant discussions, they will be removed.
9. If you want to post any charity events or events related to humanitarian ground, please e-mail to pbscuadm@gmail.com. We will check the authenticity of the organization or the person. However, NO events will be allowed that requires paying money to attend.
10. It is not possible for us to monitor every post and comments due to the large number of members. Please REPORT posts or comments if they offend you. PBSCU does NOT take responsibility if there are any fights or personal disagreements among members inside and outside the group. However, we delete a post/comment as soon as possible if its REPORTED by members to be a violation of group rules. We do NOT approve any controversial political or religious materials in the group.
11. We do NOT approve any controversial political or religious materials in the group. Any type of hurtful posts, comments, and behaviour will not be tolerated. We are not after quantity, we are after quality.
12. As this is a peer to peer discussions group, any personal information that you post in the group may be used by others (means there is NO privacy protection). We encourage you to avoid adding any personally identifiable information (which can be misused) to the group.
13. PBCSU does NOT send personal messages and asks for money. Do NOT respond to anyone if they are connecting you via personal messages through the group. We discuss everything openly. If you are interested to take help personally, please avoid the group. We will not take responsibility for any personal communications.
14. Take the comments as personal views. Do not get easily angry if comments are not supporting you. The final decision is YOURS. If you are a current student, alumni or a professional, we believe that you are mature enough to make an "informed" decision, reading through all the comments and consulting all official websites. You may not find this group useful if you just want to hear “Yes” to every question. We do not interfere with personal comments unless members report them, break group rules, or create unnecessary debates. Take as much as help you can, use your brain to take the final decision.
15. If you are looking for someone coming to your city, a travel partner, housing or airport pick up, PLEASE post in CAAB. While receiving inbox replies, make sure about the identity of the person. We have seen serious fraud last year. For example, someone said they will pick you up at the airport but never came, someone was asking 2x money for this than a taxicab. Someone took money for housing and later cancelled it at the last moment. Therefore, be very very careful about these issues. PBSCU/CAAB does not take any responsibility of personal communications and we do not endorse anyone or any organization for these services. Please make sure you know the person before any kind of money transfer.
16. We regularly update rules and regulations. It is up to the PBSCU/CAAB admins and moderators to implement any new rules and their decision gets implemented immediately.
Thank you for your cooperation.