Undergraduate Credit Transfer Process

This document is originally written by Yasir Farhad, Student in Computer Science (Memorial University). Edited by Abdullah Al Maruf, PhD (University of Toronto).

Year of Publication: 2019

©PBSCU Any unauthorized use of this article, including copying or editing is prohibited. If you want to use the article, you need to take permission from us: pbscuadm@gmail.com or from the author and you must mention the author's name and the group's name in all cases.

Assalamoalikum and Greetings!

One year earlier i joined #pbscu . I had no idea about undergrad nor credit transfer . I gave a post about credit transfer and one of the moderator #Apsara_Alim apu replied and told me that most of the Canadian university accept credit transfer. She advised me to read documents from file section and “Google”. So I started to collect information, made a list where credit transfer is possible. Never missed a single post from group, every day I checked every post and gathered information. Among them I choose the cheapest one. Like everyone some questions raised in my mind. Here are the answers to some questions:

1. I am a student of x university, x semester, can I transfer?

Ans: Yes you can.

2. How many credits can I shift ?

Ans: International student can transfer maximum 60 credits. So equivalent courses may accept.

3. Which university will accept my credit transfer?

Ans: Most of the university. You must check with each university requirements (Google!) about undergraduate credit transfer.

4. Do I need a dalal or an agent?

No, you do not.

Go to the program that you are interested >>>e-mail the undergraduate coordinator >>>They will right away tell you the procedure, even help you assess how many credits will be accepted

They have dedicated people to help answer your questions. It may take 1-2 days to answer the questions, so be patient. There is absolutely NO need of dalal.

About Agents: https://www.facebook.com/notes/prospective-bangladeshi-students-in-canadian-universities/dream-via-dalal-vs-reality-esl/2025899817695261/

5. Is it better to start fresh or transfer credit?

If you have studies more than two years, it will be tough to enroll as a fresh student, because the visa officer will be concerned why you want to quit your current program.

6. Can I collect my own tuition fees by doing part-time job?

Ans: A big NO.

7. Which one will be better ? Staying On campus or Off campus?

Ans: Off campus.

8. How much will it cost for livelihood in one month?

Ans: You may cover within 1000 cad or less. (Depends on person to person and location).

9. Can I work more than 20 hours/week?

Ans: No. During summer vacation you can work full time 40 hrs/week.

10. Is there any scholarship for transfer student?

Ans: Yes. There are some entrance scholarship.

11. One of the dalals told me that if I enter Canada, they will never deprot me for wrongdoing. Is it true?

No. If you violate any study permit rule, they may deport you. You may be ineligible to get PR.

11. How much an international student get in their job for one hour (wage)?

Every Canadian university provide 10 courses / 30 credits and three semester per year. You can take maximum 5 courses per semester. You may complete 10 courses, 5 in fall and another 5 in winter, respectively and take a semester break during spring and can work full time or you can continue study in spring/summer also. You can do co-op during any term if your program allows.

FAQ: https://www.facebook.com/notes/prospective-bangladeshi-students-in-canadian-universities/frequently-asked-questions/2021248118160431/?__tn__=HH-R

Application Procedure:

Same as Undergrad: http://www.pbscu.ca/ugbasic.html

Here I made a list where credit transfer is possible:

1. Memorial University: https://www.mun.ca/

Program : https://www.mun.ca/main/programs.php

Tuition : https://www.mun.ca/undergrad/money/index.php

Contact : kmcisaac@mun.ca (International Recruiter), transfer.credit@mun.ca

Information for credit transfer: https://www.mun.ca/regoff/admissions/apply/transfer_students.php

2. University of Prince Edward Island : http://www.upei.ca/

Program: http://www.upei.ca/programsandcourses/

Tuition: http://www.upei.ca/finance/accounting/fees

Contact: http://www.upei.ca/directory

(You may get offer letter with overall ielts 6 and 6 in LRW).

3. Brandon University : https://www.brandonu.ca/

Program : https://www.brandonu.ca/future-students/programs/

Tuition: https://www.brandonu.ca/future-students/tuition/

Contact: https://www.brandonu.ca/future-students/contact-us/

4. University of Manitoba : http://umanitoba.ca/

Program: http://umanitoba.ca/student/admissions/programs/index.html

Tuition: http://umanitoba.ca/student/admissions/finances/tuition-fees.html

Contact: nowakka@cc.umanitoba.ca, jbutchr@cc.umanitoba.ca, pdickie@cc.umanitoba.ca

5. Thomson River University : https://www.tru.ca/

Program: https://www.tru.ca/

Tuition: https://www.tru.ca/future/tuition.html

Contact: https://www.tru.ca/future/contact.html

6. University Of Regina : https://www.uregina.ca/

Program: https://urconnected.uregina.ca/program.do;jsessionid=5B286C6377E90EFA9D8EBD1586BBF11B

Tuition: https://urconnected.uregina.ca/finances/costs.ezc;jsessionid=5B286C6377E90EFA9D8EBD1586BBF11B

Contact: https://www.uregina.ca/contact/

7. Cape Breton University : https://www.cbu.ca/

Program: https://www.cbu.ca/academic-programs/

Tuition: https://www.cbu.ca/come-to-cbu/tuition-finances/tuition-and-fees/

Contact: https://www.cbu.ca/contact-us/

8. Uni of Saskatchewan : https://www.usask.ca/

Program: https://admissions.usask.ca/programs/find-a-program.php

Tuition: https://admissions.usask.ca/money/tuition.php

Contact: https://admissions.usask.ca/contact.php

9. Saint Mary’s Uni : https://smu.ca/

Program: https://smu.ca/academics/academic-programs.html

Tuition: https://smu.ca/academics/tuition-fees-other-expenses.html

Contact: info@smu.ca

and many many more......please google........

I tried my best to cover all information here. So it’s not that hard to find a university. Have any question just “Google” or give a post in “Prospective Bangladeshi Students in Canadian Universities” group. “ Take help and Give help” never stop contributing no matter where you are. Pardon me if i made any mistake.

Good luck!